Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Snow Day

Yesterday we had our first real snow of the year, and I enjoyed my oatmeal out on the deck while I supervised the kids out plowing the driveway.

Later we tried some grass sledding (note to self, mow before it snows)

and then went inside to put up Christmas decorations because M had been begging to decorate all weekend. The kids attacked the boxes, tearing out tissue paper and dropping and breaking things, as I frantically tried to keep the tree ornaments separate from the not-tree decorations. After we got all of the snowmen and reindeer on the shelves and the boxes put away, M said, "That wasn't as much fun as I thought it was going to be." Where did I get a six-year-old teenager? But then later, after Charie Brown's Christmas,

when E and Z were napping and I started working on a quilt I'm making for a gift, he decided he wanted to sew and spent the afternoon embroidering a SuperFriends logo.

I always thought holidays would regain their old magic after I had kids, but instead they have become more stressful and anxiety-provoking. I spend way too much time obsessing about how holiday gift-giving relates to our consumer culture, destruction of natural resources and climate change. And I worry about what to get people, and if I spent enough money or too much? And will they like it? And how do I teach my kids to enjoy the non-material aspects of the season? M keeps saying he wants to fall asleep and not wake up until December 25. I then remind him of all the fun he would miss out on: going out into the woods to cut a tree, and then decorate it; baking Christmas cookies; reading all the Christams books (I wrap 24 of them up and we open and read one each day of Advent); watching Charlie Brown's Christmas and The Grinch; listening to Christmas music. And now I have a new favorite can't-put-a-price-on-it activity, singing "Jing bug! Oh! Jing bug!" with E and Z.


  1. I am so jealous of the snow. It rarely (if ever) snows here in London.

  2. ummm...ok, so how is this not like those mommy blogs that make mamahood appear so lovely (she said, with love and admiration)??
    i love it that M embroiders.


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