Thursday, March 26, 2009

New GEMINI and Giveaway

Hot off the presses:

Issue #10: Mother, Nature.

I'm very excited about this issue; it's the first (and probably last) with a full-color cover, and the theme of writing about nature and motherhood is something I'm hoping to do more of.

Inside: Leapin' Salamanders, Camping w/ Kiddos, Climate Change Anxiety, Mother-Earthy Reads and More!

To celebrate, I want to give away a free issue to one lucky blog reader. Please leave a comment on this message between now and next Tuesday, March 31, 12:00 noon (EDT) for your chance to win. If you already have a subscription or are a regular trade, expect your copy soon. You can still leave a comment, and win a second copy for friend (or leave a comment and opt-out of the giveaway, if you'd like).

Here's the thing...I still haven't figured out how to send an email directly to a commenter, so you have to come back here next Wednesday to check and see if you're a winner.

Good luck!

3/31/09--Comments closed. Come back tomorrow to see who the BIG winner is!


  1. Squeee! Am I still on your trade list?

  2. very excited - I hope my scrip hasn't run out!!!

  3. Love the cover. Looking forward to reading it.

  4. can't wait to see the latest edition! you amaze me at every turn.


Note: Only a member of this blog may post a comment.