Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Handmade Holiday Part 3: Received

If you're wondering where I get this handmade mania, you can blame my mom. I remember the year she and my aunt made red flannel nightgowns/pajamas for all of the cousins in the family (and tried to get a picture of us all in front of the tree, with my baby cousin screaming his head off).

This year she outdid herself as usual. There were the annual Christmas Grandma pajamas for the three boys:

A snowflake hat for C:

And these incredible rainbow snoflake mittens for me. I am truly in awe of their detail:

My dad, who had been making little wooden animals for the boys, switched gears this year and made these cool puzzles:

While the gifts I make can't compare in skill or caliber to these, I hope that their recipients welcome them into their lives with the same awe and reverence with which we received these gifts. A handmade gift is truly a gift of the heart. Thanks Mom and Pop.


  1. These are all amazing. You have great crafting genetics!!!That, of course, doesn't take away at all from your own amazing craftiness that astounds me with every blog post.

  2. So cool! That reminded me of the year (I think I was 5) my mom and I lived with a bunch of room-mates and one of them made matching Christmas nightgowns for me and the other two child room-mates. They each had different buttons and we each got a little stuffed animal that matched our buttons. Mine was a ladybug which I named Skirtie (because of the nightgown). My own mom and I have no such skills but the LSG is working on them.


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