Thursday, February 25, 2010

My Happy Ten

The end of February is not a time of year I traditionally dwell on happiness, with March looming cold and wet on the horizon, but having read this post at Shivaya Naturals this morning, I felt compelled to tease out a handful of things that make me happy in life. I'm sure there are more, but they're hard to think of when freezing rain is pouring outside. Anyway, here are my ten, and feel free to add your ten to the comments and/or post on your blog!

1 The first daffodils of spring.
2 A sunny day at the beach.
3 Ice cream.
4 Finishing a project.
5 Pictures my kids draw.
6 Things my kids say.
7 Writing.
8 Long weekends.
9 Snuggling with my sons.
10 Traveling.


  1. I like your list. I am feeling dark, stressed, & bitter these days. I think I'll reread your ten...

  2. Talking to E, Z, and M on Grandpoppy's birthday made me very happy and I am still feeling the joy. Which I needed because this has , once again, been a very sad month.

  3. Oh, Sara, it's March...March in New England. I can feel it pressing down on my like a safe dropped from a third storey window in slow motion.

  4. 1. the first sniff of newly mown grass in spring
    2. red raspberries
    3. snuggling with hubby
    4. sending my nephew bizarre text messages randomly
    5. mushrooms
    6. views from tops of hills
    7. using crystal reports (I can't help it)
    8. paper
    9. Traveling
    10. funny movies
    11. sailing
    12. seeing turkeys flying up into trees, sitting in trees, coming down from trees.
    13. colors.
    14. that new box of crayons smell.
    15. button boxes
    16. successfully knitting
    17. making cheerful little quilts
    18 reading.

    Gads, either I'm too happy or I've had too much caffeine today. Oh yeah:
    19. iced coffee.....


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