Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Rhythm of the Home

I am honored to be featured in the Winter edition of Rhythm of the Home.

Check out my essay, "Nature Journaling as Meditation," and then check out all of the other wonderful stories and ideas in this issue.
The winner of my Blog Anniversary Giveaway is Rachel Levy of The Slow Cooked Sentence. Thank you to everyone who left a comment--I really wanted you all to win, but that woulda been a lotta table runners!


  1. Andrea, lI just read and ove your piece on ROTH. It's an inspiration to carry that journal around.

  2. What a wonderful idea. I love this. I think nature journaling would be especially helpful through the winter months, getting you outside and truly embracing winter. It's harder for me to take notice of winter's beauty, but I need to start.

  3. So, I just read the article and enjoyed it, but I'm wondering why your drawings never show up here? I, for one, would like to see them.

  4. Congrats! I haven't had a chance to read much of the new issue yet, but I'm excited for your piece and the pieces by a few of my other "blog friends." I so wanted to submit something and let the deadline slip (speed) by. I'm hoping to do something for the spring one.

  5. What a wonderful practice. And I love this line from your piece: "my thoughts slip off their hamster wheel in my head". Captures it perfectly -- the hamster wheel part, and hopefully slipping off as I attempt your journal idea!

  6. I love it, Andrea. And I had no idea that you were such a talented artist, as well! Brava!

  7. I just saw this. Congratulations! It's wonderful!


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