Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Now They Are Six

I don't think my babies are babies anymore...

E and Z turned six today.  Six!!!  Which, times two is actually twelve.

Here are their presents before:
And here they are after:

I always try to go minimalist with the presents, and then I always worry that I'm depriving them--this year I got them each two pairs of jeans (which really means four pairs for Z, because E doesn't like jeans, but it's not the season for corduroys or fleece pants, and it's time they look a little less like orphans with twice-patched knees), several pairs of socks, a small Lego set each, a Henry Huggins book each, a bigger Lego set for Z and his very own chess ("chest") set for E, and a copy of AA Milne's Now We Are Six, a single copy of which I finally found after several fruitless laps around the Barnes & Noble children's section. They were thrilled with everything, especially after raking in more loot from the grandparents and various other mail-senders.

We celebrated with dinner at the A1 Diner, topped off with warm brownie cups with ice cream:

Which, I must say, they ate with a little more decorum than at their first birthday.


  1. WOW! Happy B'day to E & Z.

    "But now I am six,
    I'm as clever as clever.
    So I think I'll be six
    now and forever."


  2. Happy birthday to those gorgeous boys!

  3. Those baby cheeks. Adorable. Happy sixth (or twelfth) to you, too!

  4. I do miss those cheeks...but I don't think I'd want to deal with two toddlers in the house again!!


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