Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Summer Reading Giveaway

Remember way back in April when I did a book review for Literary Mama?  Well, I'm finally just now getting around to giving away my copies of the books, as promised.

The books, Shamrock and Lotus by Cassie Premo Steele and The Life You Imagined by Kristina Riggle.  They would both be great books for reading on the beach, in a lawn chair or (my favorite) hammock. I'd tell you what they're about, but you're just going to have to read the review.

My readership around here dropped by about half during my little posting lull, so you can look at this as a ploy to entice people back, or you can look at it as a really good chance to win, since there are two books and probably not a lot of competition.

So here's what you need to do to enter. Go read the review, decide which book you'd rather have and leave a comment here letting me know which between now and next Wednesday. I'll draw two names--the first one will get her first choice, the second will get what's left.  Sound good.


  1. They both sound great, I think that I would prefer "The Life you've imagined". At least that is where O would start.

  2. yeah, it doesn't take long does it! love your book choices :)

  3. Don't know if I made the deadline. I'd like Cassie's book.


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