Friday, August 5, 2011

Moment of Wonder: In the Garden of Earthly Delights

Self-seeded morning glory in the neglected garden. 
Surprise poppy a full month after all other poppies have gone to seed.

Garlic planted last October.


  1. The poppy is incredible. Did you plant those from seed? We tried growing them from seed this year, and while we did get some seedlings, they are currently about three inches tall and showing no signs of growing more or producing flowers. I wonder what we did wrong.

  2. Jaimie--Thanks! I planted some transplants that a friend dug up from her garden last summer. I'm not sure what it takes to grow them from seed (though I did scatter some seeds around to try and encourage more). They are perennial, so maybe your tiny ones this year will flower in a year or two. Good luck!


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