Tuesday, May 29, 2012

May Days: Birthdays

I guess last year's birthday rager was a bit much for the boys. This year M opted to not have a party at all, and E and Z just wanted two friends for a "jungle" party (OK, the jungle part was Z's idea, but he who speaks first and with more force wins in a family of five). Only one of the friends was available last weekend, so we took him and his mom to the Coastal Maine Botanic Gardens, which was the jungliest place I could think of.


It turned out to be an awesome place to spend a beautiful May day (we were there about six hours!)

Though I was a little disappointed to not host another rockin' huge party. I guess I'll have to throw one for myself.

P.S. Picture-taking bloggers out there: what size photo do you set your cameras for? I changed my settings for another project, and can't remember what to set them back to...whatever I have them set to now is way too huge...it takes forever to upload (hopefully will not take forever for you to view!). Thanks!

1 comment:

  1. Looks like a great party! Soon I must survive Slumber Party 2012.


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