Wednesday, November 21, 2012

In Gratitude

Today is this blog's fifth anniversary (fifth! count them––five!)!

Which is sort of astonishing.

I had some thoughts on blogging and self-indulgence versus self-awareness. Narcissism versus living an examined life. Blogging as part of a practice (of art, of writing, of parenting). Blogging as a way to build connections and community with others on a similar path.

But instead, I think I'll just say a great big THANK YOU to those of you out there who read this blog regularly and those who just pop in for a visit now and then, to those of you who have been here from the beginning and those who just landed here after typing "blogging and narcissism" into a search engine. Because it is about building connections and community and growing together along this path of being human. Thanks for coming along with me.

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving, whatever it entails, and see you next week with scenes from the long, long weekend!


  1. Happy bogaversary, Andrea. I think blogs are great as a way to connect and put ourselves out there, but I also love mine as a simple family record, perhaps most of all. Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours!

  2. Congratulations! And many returns on the day!

  3. Happy 5th time around the blogosphere...may there be many more!

  4. Congratulations! Thanks for helping me and sometimes Grandpoppy keep up with you guys!


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