Friday, December 28, 2012

Christmas Week

Decorating the Solstice tree for the birds.

The Victorian Christmas at the WW&F Railway Museum.

Sunset on the Sunday before Christmas, just as I finished my last sewing project of the season.

Playing with the camera after our traditional wrapping/It's a Wonderful Life party on Dec. 23.

Playing outside on Christmas Eve--Usually we sled out across that pond...

The loot.


Sick on the couch Dec. 26, working on a stitching project Santa put in my stocking.

Our White Christmas, two days late.

I came down with a flu-like/hacking cough sort of thing somewhere between taking the stollen out of the oven and putting the last batch of cookies in Christmas Eve morning, and spent most of the holiday observing from the couch, alternately shivering and feverish. Between illness and the snow, however, I gained two extra days at home, so all was not lost. Today I finally ventured outside and to work. I'm meeting C and M in a minute to go see The Hobbit, then this weekend will be all putting the house back in order and getting ready for residency, which starts next Friday. I'll be back next week with more holiday handmades. Happy weekend!

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