Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Handmade Holiday: Received

They say it's better to give than to receive, but I think it's pretty darn nice to get something made with love by the hands of someone else. We got a few things along those lines this year.

The boys, below, in their Grammie Jammies, a version of which my mom has sent every Christmas since they were small enough to fit into (and tolerate) drawstring nightgowns:

My feet,

and C's, in new slippers knitted by my mom.

And a new ornament,

and some cars, 

all made by my dad.

It's fun having crafty people in the family.

1 comment:

  1. I agree. There's nothing like a new pair of homemade pajamas on Christmas Eve, and thankfully my mom has carried on the tradition with my children!


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