Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Weekend Sights

The weekend started out with more snow than we had on Christmas,

(which isn't saying much, since we had no snow on Christmas).

I snuck out before breakfast for a walk,

camera in hand.

The rest of Saturday was to be gobbled up by baseball (cancelled),

bottle drive (a surprise), ferrying kids to and from friends' houses and an evening out to see "Spamalot" for C, M and me (I definitely got in my week's quota of laughs, at 15/day).

By Monday, a day off for the kids and me (thanks, Patriots!), 

the sun was out and the weather warm.

I dragged one reluctant, one game and one ho-hum kid down to the river,

where they found a little grove of ironwood (aka musclewood or hornbeam) in which to build animal houses (which look a lot like the fairy houses of younger years to me), before I headed off to the post office to send off our jaw-droppingly-huge tax payments.

(Do you see that? Real outdoor flowers! Happy Spring, friends!!)


  1. Thank goodness for daffodils! I'm starting to feel like I live in Seattle. No snow, but grey, misty, chill...drrr.

  2. Meryl--Ugh. I can't bear more than one rainy day in a row. Hope some sun and daffodils are coming your way soon!


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