Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Month of Poetry, 2014, Day 1: Dentist Office

As I hope you know, April is National Poetry Month, and to get in the spirit of things, I decided to do another Month of Poetry, writing a poem of day for the entire month (I did this once before, in 2011). As I hope you also know, I am not a trained or professional poet, and these poems are meant to be literally written on the day I post...so not much time for mulling, musing, or revising. I'm posting them here both because it will keep me honest, and because writing and sharing poetry is fun, even if the results aren't spectacular. I do hope you'll play along and share a poem or two on your blog (or in the comments here if you don't have one) if not one every day. Here's the first. I hope you enjoy and give feedback in the comments!

Dentist Office

Molly is her name, the little
girl with dark hair and big
eyes who says Hi Hi to all
who enter. She clutches a plastic
airplane and tries to
escape through the double
doors beyond which her
mother has disappeared.

The grandfather paces before
of the row of green chairs, and,
phone to ear, speaks loudly
about guns. Guns bought and
guns  sold. Guns to be had at
a place called Firestorm.
Guns kept beside his bed.

When he is done talking
of guns, the grandfather
slips the phone into his
pocket, lifts little Molly onto
his knee and, in that voice
we reserve for speaking to
our children when we want
everyone else to hear, lets
us all know Molly's mother
is having her tooth pulled.

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