Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Weekend Things, Busy

We've just been catapulted into the busy time of year around here--baseball season and birthday season, with a camping trip and a weekend out of town (for me) all coming up this month.

But we had a little down time over the weekend. I took off Thursday to be home with the boys (spring break) and since I had planned to take the week off (for our DC trip that didn't pan out), so I didn't so much want to be at work at all. I ended up spending the day catching up on housework (as if there's any such thing as catching up with housework), and reminiscing about how I used to get two whole days off per week, and then getting really angry about how frigged up everything has become over the last few years (work-wise).

Friday we went to the Science Museum in Boston and Saturday I took M to The Young Composer's Competition in Blue Hill, where he was awarded an Honorable Mention. 

By Sunday I was ready to just lie around the house, but instead I took E and Z and a friend of theirs to a live raptor show at Wolf's Neck State Park. Z loves raptors and I've been wanting to take him to a show for a long time. It was worth the drive to see a golden eagle, raven, screech own, and kestrel up close.

After the birds, the sun came out just long enough for a short hike down to the beach.

Where the boys climbed this cool tree and looked for sea glass and skipped rocks and had imaginary orc battles.

No one wanted to see school start up again Monday morning (least of all, if that's possible, me).

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