Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Weekend Things, Easter Weekend

Spring continues to creep slowly into our corner of the woods.

Saturday, we took a walk along the stone walls on our property.

I expected it to be a grand adventure--

And it was, sort of, but it was a lot less elaborate than I expected.

But nice anyway, and we found some treasures along the way.

We had planned to go to Washington DC this week (spring break for the kiddos).

But something came up with the friends we were going to visit, so we regrouped and are having a staycation instead.

After the Easter egg hunt and breakfast of hot cross buns, fruit salad, jelly beans, yogurt-covered raisins, and, of course, hard-boiled eggs, we headed out on a hike and picnic lunch at our favorite spot.

There's something about going to the same spot year after year that emphasizes how much and how quickly we're all growing up (or old). 

Everyone has memories--"Remember when E carried that giant Easter egg rock on the whole hike, and then Z threw it at his head?"

("I told him to watch out!"). 

"Remember when I found the deer antler?" 

I remember pushing the double-stroller down this trail.

Next year, we'll remember owl pellets and giant sandwiches and too much wind on the beach.

 And so another year passes, with birthdays all-around coming in a few weeks, and time galloping along without any regard for my feelings.

P.S. I neglected to notice that my book review of Susanne Antonetta's adoption memoir, Make Me a Mother came out on Literary Mama last month.

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