Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Four Days at Russell Pond

"Less than a mile up the trail and the space between my shoulder blades already aches. I’m regretting the overpriced mini tube of sunblock, which the dense trees and clouds have rendered unnecessary, the extra layer I threw in at the last minute, and my insistence on healthful foods that caused me to pack two pounds of green beans and carrots fresh from the garden, a jar of sunflower seed butter, and three loaves of German bread the size, shape, and weight of bricks."

If you'd like to know how the rest of the trip went, please read the rest of "Four Days at Russell Pond: A First-Time Family Backpacking Trip" in Issue 19 of TrailGroove Magazine.

In other writing news, as you may (or may not) know, I recently joined the editorial staff at Literary Mama. We have just opened submissions in the Literary Reflections department, where we seek essays focused on the creative process and literature--writing, reading, sharing books with your kids. Please check out our submissions guidelines and our archives and consider drafting and submitting an essay reflecting on your experience with literature, writing, and motherhood.

Literary Mama is also starting to incorporate photographs on the site and seeks original images that reflect the various sections of the site. I know I've got a few great photographers among my readers, and I encourage you to check out the call for submissions and send in some photos.

And, finally, Happy Thanksgiving, dear readers. My seven-year blog anniversary just went by, unacknowledged, and I want to express my gratitude to those of you who have been with me since the start (are there any original readers out there?) and to those of you who have just joined me, and to all who fall somewhere in between. Thank You!


  1. Looking forward to reading--Happy Thanksgiving!

    1. Thanks, Meryl! Hope you had a great Thanksgiving. (I just discovered how to set up my page so I can reply to comments and am so excited I needed to try it out!!)

  2. Thanks, Kim! And thanks for stopping by.


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