Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Driveway Love

Saturday was a stay inside kind of day--rainy and then snowy--with lots of insides stuff that needed to get done--housework and projects and cooking and a spontaneous closet clean-out triggered by a desire to hide away all of my wool sweaters in the bottom of a deep drawer (they will need to come back out to be washed once the weather is warm enough to dry them, but disappearing them for now felt good). But late in the afternoon the sun came out and since I had dinner all prepped and a few minutes before my mother-in-law was due to arrive, I slipped outside to take a walk to the mailbox. 

Partway up the driveway, I came across this deer track shaped like a heart.

A few steps later, I saw a heart-shaped rock.

Pretty soon every rock I saw looked like a heart.

I tend to look for heart shapes in nature, but this was getting ridiculous. Was I just feeling extra loving toward my driveway?

I mean, who wouldn't love slogging through this mess every evening after a long day at work?

On the way back home, a load of mail under my arm, I didn't see any more heart-shaped rocks, only my shadow.

And our sorry-looking sugar shack. Poor C hasn't been able to boil any sap yet this year, between the weather and working in Bar Harbor for the last five weeks. 

But now that he's done with that and with the sun making an appearance here and there, this part of the driveway will become a very busy place for the next few weekends.


  1. I grew up with a driveway like this. There is something wonderful about spring on a gravel driveway. There is always so much to look at.

  2. All those hearts leading your way... you can't help but smile I'm sure. Yeah, we got some maple sap this year, but we woke up to torrential rain this morning and not having lids meant that all the sap from yesterday was rained in. SIGH... starting over Sunday when the rain will be gone and the nights and days will have a 20 degree Celsius variance. *fingers crossed* we may get half a cup of syrup this year! :-P

    1. Argh! Rain in the buckets, so frustrating. Hope you got another batch!


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