Thursday, April 16, 2015

Weekend Things ~ Spring!

I'm eyeballs deep in a project and I can't concentrate on anything else until I get it done, but I wanted to pop in here to let you know--spring finally came! Like the flip of a switch, the weather went from 20s/40s last week to the high 60s over the weekend. I went for a walk wearing a sweater--no coat!

As you can see, there was still quite a bit of snow in the woods Sunday, but it's been melting fast and furious all week. And the river has opened up (but for the occasional ice flow).

And even the piles of snow in front of the house have shrunk (sort of).

And C finally made his maple syrup--his first boil happened later than his last boil for the last two years, and it only lasted three days (which is fine with me), but yielded five gallons of syrup.

Our gravel pit pond is still frozen over (it doesn't get much snow), but I heard a peeper and a wood frog tonight in the nearby wetlands.

It's official--spring's here!


  1. Yay for spring, I am glad it has finally reached you. Enjoy!

  2. Yay! Now get out there and enjoy it!

    1. Absolutely! Love being outside in this lull between COLD and BUGS!

  3. Wonderful! Hope your project allows for time to get out and enjoy it!

  4. Spring! We got rid of the last of the snow last week, just in time for the rain. But any day I get to put on a coat other than the puffy one is a fine day by me. I'll take it!

    1. Ha! We got that rain, too...but there's still some snow hanging on.

  5. It's been shower-y in these parts lately.

    1. Showers are a welcome thing in Texas, aren't they LSM?

  6. I know I'm late with this, but I'm so happy the season is finally upon you all! I hope it just keeps getting warmer.

    1. Thank you, Yanic. And I hope spring is coming to Canada, too!


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