Thursday, June 4, 2015

Garden Things ~ Early June

I don't feel winter is truly over until I eat something grown in the garden. Last week, our first harvests came in--spinach, chives, mint, and lots and lots of radishes. 

I can't take credit for any of it--I'm not the gardener around here. I didn't even plant the garlic--my domain--last fall. I used to love to garden, before I had land of my own, but nowadays I'd rather spend April, May, and June wandering in the woods looking for birds and wild plants. I haven't been able to motivate myself to want to work in the garden at all (Sunday I spent a few minutes weeding my sad little flower bed and the whole time I thought about how much I don't like to weed--which a bit too much like my 9-to-5 life--with added mosquitoes--for comfort). 

Luckily, C loves to garden, and the minute the snow melted from our garden beds (and a considerable while before it had melted elsewhere), he put peas and radishes in the ground. They're well on their way to a fourth-of-July pea harvest.

And this year we're going to finally have tomatoes, after a couple of years of mishaps with the seedlings. I hope they don't succumb to blight. Do you know how to prevent that?

The spinach is coming along nicely, with lettuce and chard close behind. I've bought my last box of greens for the season. I forgot how much I love the meaty denseness of raw spinach leaves. I know some people say it's not good for you due to the levels of oxalic acid, but it tastes so good. 

After the three days of rain we just had, things are going to grow even wilder out there.

How does your garden grow? And what's wrong with me that I don't care for gardening? Am I just lazy? And if so, am I the only one?


  1. oh my, so much goodness from your garden! you're super lucky to have a back-up gardener lol

    i love spinach. i use baby spinach for salads. but my fave is cooked spinach, with garlic.

    1. Yes, I am lucky! My favorite way to eat spinach is in spanikopita, but that's not practical to make more than once a year (both time-wise and waisteline-wise), but I think I will give cooked spinach with garlic a try. Thanks!

  2. Wow, everything looks wonderful. Doesn't that first harvest just taste so amazing!

    Not everyone enjoys gardening, and that is okay. The good thing is you have someone in your house who does, so you can enjoy the harvests :)

    1. It does! I love grocery shopping out my back door.

  3. Those garden beds are so amazing! I love how high they are! And that spinach loves delicious :)

    1. Thanks, Stephinie! They're a new(ish) edition.


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