Friday, September 4, 2015

Beach Combing

Two weekends ago, I finally got my day-alone-at-the-beach.

It was one of those days on which I needed to just run away from home.I brought a sandwich and pastry from my favorite bakery, my new paint box, and a book...all the beach essentials.
This particular beach is the best one I know for shells washing up on shore.
Including perfect sand dollars.
Maybe this beach makes for such good combing because it's a couple of mile hike over a small "mountain" to the parking area, so no one wants to pick any up and carry them back.
At least how I felt.
Besides, I don't have room for any more shells on my dusty bathroom shelves.

So I did my beach combing by camera.
So many colors and shapes.
They brightened a gray day.

And I returned home somewhat restored.


  1. Sounds like a perfect day. I took to the trails on my own last weekend, and felt restored and happy when I was finished. There are plans to do the same tomorrow :)

  2. Sounds like a wonderful day. Sometimes I like beach combing (or nature combing, more properly, in my neck of the woods) with my camera best of all.

  3. I'm so due for a good amount of time alone that isn't spent in my sewing room! I may have to make it happen soon. :-) Looks like a lovely day indeed.


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