Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Wild Wednesday ~ Mid-May

I am a summer girl, for sure, but I'm loving watching spring unfold this year. I feel as if every year, the more I know, the more I notice--like the way new balsam fir needles spring forth like little pom-poms.

For years, each fall, I saw the bright red berries of red baneberry (Actaea rubra), but only noticed the flowers last spring.

The incredible sunny (very un-May-like) weather we've been having has brought out the painted turtles. There were at least thirteen on a log in our pond Saturday. I love watching the way one will jockey for a better position, knocking another off, who will then swim around and scrabble onto another part of the log. A pretty good life.

What's wild in your neck of the woods this week?


  1. Lovely images and observations!

  2. Look at those turtles! I love seeing nature in other parts of the world :)

  3. Oh my goodness, those turtles...amazing!!!!

    1. I love that having them in my little corner of the world!


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