Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Wild Wednesday ~ Snow and Christmas Bird Count

We're having one of those winters—snow, rain, snow, rain, snow.

The kind where going outside is like stepping onto an ice skating rink and the wet, heavy snow-rain-ice comes thundering off of the metal roof like a freight train in the middle of the night.

It's the sort of winter where you just have to get outside while the getting's good,

And it's not that good that often.

But one day last week, after some snow-rain-snow, we had a brief winter-wonderland window,

Just enough to make everything frosty and magical (but not enough to require skis or snowshoes). 

It's mostly turned to slush by now, but it's that kind of winter.

In other wild news, last Saturday we participated in the Christmas Bird Count again,  a day where we have to do nothing but drive around a set route, looking for birds, which is a lot more fun than it sounds.

We saw a good number of birds—lots of the usual suspects, like blue jays and crows, starlings and chickadees. The most exciting sightings were two bald eagles in a  tree (one pictured above), a pileated woodpecker right next to the car (below), and a red-bellied woodpecker, a life first for both C and me (of which I did not get a picture).

To learn more about the Christmas Bird Count, go here. If you're at all into birds, I encourage you to look into joining a count in your area next winter. It's lots of fun and there are always opportunities for novices to hook up with more experienced birders. To see more about our bird count day, check out C's vlog post about the bird count here.

1 comment:

  1. Oh wow, your bird sightings are amazing!!!!! We have been in the same boat the last few days....snow, rain, melting snow, more snow, rain, melting snow...sigh.


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