Wednesday, January 30, 2019

January Writing

I had the great pleasure of interviewing, in real life, Caitlin Shetterly,  author of Modified, and our conversation was published this month in Literary Mama. I also wrote the editor's letter for this month's issue.

I also received my advance copy of This Side of the Divide: Stories of the American West, in which my short story "Confluence" appears, and which will be available February 12. I haven't had one spare second to read the other stories in the collection, but I hope to soon and tell you all about it.


  1. This is a great idea. I think I'll write out what I work on each month. I'd love to read your piece in that book. Is it out yet?

  2. birthday. How appropriate since I have lately come to believe nothing more strongly than the only way to know a place is to leave it for a long-assed time. Mucho lovo, A.


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