Monday, April 29, 2019

Goodbye Winter

The last bits of snow have finally almost melted from our yard and woods and April showers are doing their damndest to bring on May flowers (at least I hope that's what all this rain is about). But before we let winter go, there are two last things I haven't had a chance to tell you about. First is this barred owl, who made a brief visit to our house on an afternoon when I happened to be home (I think there was a sick kid or a kid with an appointment or something), and I was able to catch one photo out my bedroom window before it flew off (admittedly because of the sound the window made when I tried to open it). It's just too beautiful not to share.

Once the blockage was cleared, the new knitting began, first with this hat made from yarn I bought last June at the Fiber Frolic and a pattern that was free on Ravelry. I was surprised at how quickly it knitted up—after the two-year hat—and I love the way the variegated yarn turned out. It fits well, snug and stretchy, and with spring's slow approach I'm still wearing it. Rav notes here, for what they're worth (I mislaid the yarn label, so I can't remember what it's called…bramble something maybe?… but at least the pattern link is there).

Monday, April 22, 2019

Nature Journaling ~ Birds

I'm teachinga  Spring Nature Journaling workshop this Saturday, with a focus on birds, at Fields Pond Audubon center in Holden, Maine. I'd love for you to join me. We'll learn some basic drawing and journaling techniques and learn how to use them to help identify birds, remember field marks, catch fast-flitting birds in action, and record observations. Info here.