Thursday, August 6, 2009

Sniff, sniff

I was very bummed to see Looky Daddy post his last post this week. Looky Daddy is like my mirror image--identical twin girls with twin older sister each about exactly six months older than my kids. Looky Daddy also wins the award for my longest-read blog--others have come and gone, but I keep coming back to more of the Looky Daddy Hijinks. Hopefully it means the Looky Daddy book will be out in about a year from now. If you haven't been a Looky Daddy reader, quick, go read the archives before they're gone too. You'll laugh, you'll cry, you'll be really glad your kids don't go behind the couch to poop.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for letting me know. I have been off of reading most blogs in general but I love Brian at Looky, Daddy. He's got to have a book deal-- I really hope so.


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