Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Websites for Writers

There's nothing a writer likes doing more than reading about what other writers have to say about writing. Or is that just me? In any case, here are two blogs that are chockerblock full (that's a Maine phrase, btw, in case you didn't know) of writers writing on writing.

The first, Lisa Romeo Writes, I have been reading (OK, lurking) for several months now, and I always find useful tips and links therein, including a link to Christina Baker Kline: The Writing Year, which itself is full of tips and links and lots of good stuff to read (you know, in my spare time). Now she has posted the prologue to her new novel, A Bird in Hand, which is due out soon, and which I'm most enticed to read now having read the beginning.

Happy reading (and writing).


  1. Thanks for these sites! I'm planning to do a lot of reading about writing this fall. So much out there, so little time!!

  2. Thanks for the shout-out for my blog; I'm always so glad to hear that it's helpful.

    I love Christina's blog, too, almost as much as I like her as a person -- generous, clear and fun!


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