Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Another Table Runner

Inspired by this, this and this, I made another table runner, this one more autumnal than the last one.

This was one of those walls I had to break through--I struggled with what to use for artwork and I struggled with the crazy-quilt effect of the patchwork; it was very hard for me to put together fabrics that didn't "match." I kept trying to put together ones that had similar color schemes, but that left me with orphan fabrics.

But I didn't care for a totally random look either.

Finally I realized that if I just alternated lights and darks, I would have a pattern, but the colors didn't need to match. Whew. (I'm generally very not type A, but sometimes I have my moments).

I have to admit that I was surprised by Z's unorthodox approach to decorating a handprint turkey, and must have said something to that effect, because I found it crumpled in the recycling bin the next day. Only then did I realize how great it was...and now Z will forever make a conformist handprint turkey with beak and wattle...sigh. When will I ever learn?

I also love M's comical turkey with pilgrim shoes and a braided, bowed wattle (which didn't turn out all that well in the embroidery).

And of course I adore E's classical turkey too.

I was feeling nostalgic for the present while I put this together, imagining myself as an old woman, all alone on Thanksgiving, my children in far-flung corners of the world, taking this runner out and putting it on the table, measuring my shrunken, gnarled, withered old hands against the turkeys. It was a sad scene, I must admit.

When the handprints make me too sad, I can just flip it over on the back, which is wide strips of late-autumn golds, aquas and olive greens.

Hope you have a great and grateful Thanksgiving, however your table is decorated, and, speaking of table runners and gratitude, don't forget to sign up for my blog anniversary giveaway.


  1. These are beautiful, Andrea. Would you mind making a post about how it's constructed?

  2. Lovely post, Andrea. I love the "story runner" concept with your kids' turkey hand prints. You will truly cherish these recreations years from now.

  3. No idea how I missed this post, but this is gorgeous! Job super well done.

  4. No idea how I missed this post, but this is gorgeous! Job super well done.


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