Monday, November 22, 2010

Blog Anniversary and Giveaway

So yesterday marked the three-year anniversary of my starting this blog, which almost as amazing to me as having a nine-year-old kid...truly, where does time go?

I don't really have any wise words about why I blog or how much I have grown and changed since I started keeping track of the minutia of my life here. Mostly I just feel like the Whos in Whoville, shouting "I am here, I am here, I am here!" However, I do want to extend my gratitude to those of you out there who come to this space daily, or occasionally--or even if this is the first time ever that you've been here.

So to show my thanks, I have a giveaway for you:

An autumnal table runner in blue sky with oak leaves and acorns on one side:

and cream organic cotton canvas on the other side (that may have a slight pink tinge to it due to my pre-washing the fabric with a pair of red Guatemalan napkins) with a smiling acorn embroidered in the corner (drawn by Z).

It will come with a bar of my new favorite kind of chocolate (carmelized, salted peanuts...yum!) and felted acorns.

Yes, I do realize it will practically be winter by the time the winner receives her/his prize, but that's the good thing about seasons--they always come back again.

To enter the giveaway, just leave a comment on this post between now and midnight November 30. In your comment, tell me something about yourself--say your favorite kind of chocolate, or your favorite season, or your favorite cartoon, or what kind of tree you would be if you were a tree. Really, anything. I talk your ear off about me--now it's your turn!

Be sure to leave your email address so I can contact you if you're the winner (even though you give blogger your email, it doesn't pass it on to me).


  1. Happy Blogaversary! I like your comparison to the whos in whoville.

    Info. about me: My favorite animals (besides human children) are seals and I have three guinea pigs in a kiddie pool in my tiny living room. My favorite colors are green and gold. My favorite season is summer, although I like them all very much.

    My e-mail is mariah(at)lonestarma(dot)com.

  2. Congratulations! I think blogging is a very hard thing to stick with for more than a year.
    About me: I love salty chocolate.


  3. It is always surprising how time passes. I keep meaning to comment here on various posts (Halloween book, homeschooling, etc., etc.) but you know how that goes. Happy blog anniversary to you! Look forward to many more posts in the future. And despite having growing up in Miami to parents born in countries with pretty much year-round warm weather, I am very much an autumn person and would think twice about living in any place that doesn't have a change of seasons. xo, celia

  4. This is beautiful! Would love to win all of this.

    About me: I'm Mary Beth, live in Southern California, crave four seasons (!), make do with what we have. I like wooden things. I like a mix of low-brow and organic. Would love to make more local friends.

    Congratulations on 3 years of blogging!

  5. Lovely giveaway! I love Green and Blacks, but have never tried peanut!

  6. Congrats! I just started blogging last month, and three years sounds very impressive to me!

    About my life: This morning it snowed, and it's the first time my two year old will have memory of snow (last time it snowed she was 4 months old) and she looked out the window this morning, and lamented "The car is ucky. Our steps got snowed on, they're ucky." No excitement over such a new sight, just lamenting things getting dirty. I have the most bizarrely clean two-year old ever.

  7. Happy Anniversary! I love reading your blog! I am so proud of the woman that you have become, you are such an interesting person and I think that you are an incredible mother. I also love that your husband likes Frank Sinatra as much as I do... it makes me feel all warm and fuzzy that you will continue to be tormented by Ol' Blue Eyes in my absence. ;) Here is something that you may not know about me... I never learned to tie my shoes like a big girl. I make two bunny ears and tie them together.

  8. Happy anniversary! 3 years - wow. I'm not sure I even knew what a blog was 3 years ago. You are ahead of your time, my dear!

    Hmm...something you don't already know about me... My favorite snack food is chocolate-covered pretzels (curiously similar to a salty peanut chocolate bar...intriguing...)


  9. Happy Blogiversary! I love the honesty in your posts and enjoy sharing the blogosphere with you ;).

    Something about me: I've lived in Montreal for two years and still haven't bought boots, but I've bought at least three pairs of flip flops in that time.

  10. Congrats on your blogging anniversary! It's hard to stay motivated to blog, especially as honestly as you do, and with the demands of family and work.

    Anyhoo, my favorite season is late summer. I love the ease it brings. I must be a grasshopper. My favorite candy are Turtles, also very similar to your giveaway. Although I'm most excited about the table runner.

  11. My weakness is a Hershey bar. My grandfather used to get them for me and I still love 'em.

    Happy blogging anniversary!

  12. Congratulations on three years of blogging!

    About me: I could eat popcorn every day of the week. I like all kinds of chocolate (except that very dark, 80+ percent cacao chocolate that is way.too.bitter. for me). I don't know how to sew - your table runners are simply lovely.

    e-mail: lizsheffield09(at)gmail(dot)com

    Happy Thanksgiving. And thanks for your support of my NaNo endeavor, it has meant a lot.

  13. Happy Blog Birthday! I'm sure you won't want to post those treasures all the way to the UK but just wanted to say what a lovely blog you have. About me, I live in England, love Green & Blacks chocolate and one of my favourite foods is custard. I have a habit of personifying inanimate objects, like the tree that I pass on the way to my son's schools that I have named 'Harold'. It's big and old and Harold seemed to fit. I honestly belive that if you eat chocolate late at night and then hide the wrapper(s) deep down in the bin so that you can't see them the next morning, the calories won't find you. That rule applies to pretty much any non-nutritionous food type actually. I think I've shared enough!

  14. Three cheers for three years!

    I want to thank you for pointing me to the book "Simplicity Parenting." I picked it up just before our marathon road trip to grandma's house for Thanksgiving. It's filled with good ideas.

    My email is levyrachael(at)gmail(dot)com

  15. I am a new reader of your blog. I find it very interesting and easy to relate to. I have come out of the lurking stage in order to try for the table runner. I was looking for a fall themed one but Reny's only had Christmas stuff! About Mom 81 year old Mom is moving in with me next week and I am glad but also scared. Also, I have a blog but stopped writing it over a year ago. I have been fantasizing about writing again lately, especially when i read yours.

    Congrats on writing for 3 years!



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