Thursday, March 27, 2014

Weekend Things: Projecty

Last week, I dropped M's quilt off to be long-arm quilted, so naturally, I immediately started thinking about quilts for E and Z. Theirs will be much less complicated: No stars. No crazy-cut jigsaw-puzzle madness. Nothing but squares. Also I want to use as much stash as possible so as not to spend a zillion dollars (and make some space) though I will take a trip to a quilt shop or two to fill in some special pieces. This is my favorite part of any project (sewing, knitting, writing, decorating, cleaning, cooking, gardening)--the planning, dreaming, imagining stage. I'm also very fond of the "it's finally done!" stage. It's the in-between stage that stymies me. But I think I can power through.

I also finished one cable hat and started another. C and I have been watching TV shows from Netflix and the library every evening (Blackadder and the original Upstairs, Downstairs), so I've gotten in a lot of knitting lately (but much less reading and sleeping).

Saturday (after we got home from seeing the new Muppets movie, and eating Thai food out), I received a book in the mail that I'll be reviewing here very soon (and which matches my current yarn beautifully). I think I need a nice long vacation so I have enough time to read and write and do projecty things (and knit in front of the TV).

1 comment:

  1. I'm the same way--the middle part of making is always hardest.


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