Friday, September 7, 2018

Summer Round-Up

I thought summer wouldn't go by so fast this year, since we didn't take a three- (or eight-) week road (or hiking) trip in the middle of it, but, if anything, I think it went faster. After the first day of "Hey Mom, hey Mom, hey Mom," I knew I had to sign E and Z up for a LOT of camps, which I did, which was nice for me (and probably for them, too, but they won't admit it), but it also resulted in a lot of the same kind of rushing around to get places on time that characterizes the rest of the year and is, I believe, a huge contributor to making time fly by. But, this summer was not ALL rushing around. Since my last, 4th-of-July update, we took a weekend trip to Vermont (for a funeral and some college tours, but also a bit of sight-seeing and hanging out in swimming pools; I have no photo evidence of that trip, however).

We also went to the beach.

And I, without kids, did some bird-watching.

And saw Maine's peculuar red-billed tropic bird.

And some bonus seals.

We went to the beach again.

And we went on a 5-day camping trip.

With 4 other families, for a total of 21 people, 12 of them being males under the age of 18 (five of those being males 13 years old).

While there, we climbed a small mountain.

Then we went to the beach again.

And we went hiking again.

And, finally, we celebrated the nominal (though not calendrical and, this year, not even weather-wise) last day of summer by taking a gorgeous boat ride among harbors and islands and coves.

This summer may have gone by too fast, and it may not have been marked by an epic vacation, but it was still pretty darn nice.

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