Friday, April 1, 2022

Finish it Friday ~ Pandemic Poncho

Not long after everything shut down in 2020, I started knitting this endless poncho from yarn I happened to buy, with no particular plan, when I ordered the yarn to finish C's vest. I'd enjoyed knitting, and wearing, the last poncho I'd made, I wanted to make another, and I found this fun pattern on Ravelry.

It's about 8 miles (okay, 80 inches, but who's counting) of zigzagging garter stitch, and it started to feel very Like Water for Chocolate-esque after a while. It represents many, many hours of binge-watching TV shows. After about a year of knitting, I took a long break, picking it up a few months later and again stopping when I was stymied about how to finish it. The problem was I could not figure out if the two halves were the same length or not due to the zigzags. (The whole thing is a kind of T shape, with a very short stem that makes up the cowl neck and a very long, fat crosspiece, that gets folded in half and stitched together.) Finally, after talking to a nice lady at a yarn store (wearing a fabulous, floor-length hand-knit dress), I figured out that I could mattress-stitch the seam together, starting from the neck, and work my way to the unfinished end, and either add or subtract rows as needed. (I still ended up adding rows, then ripping them out, because I forgot that the zig shouldn't line up with the zag.) After all that, I just needed to weave in about 16 trillion ends, and voila! The endless pandemic poncho is complete. If only the endless pandemic would wrap up as well.

Ravelry notes, cursory as always, are here

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