Tuesday, December 2, 2014


In the midst of our do-nothing weekend, I did do something...I cut out the binding for M's quilt...

and sewed it on! (Thanks to Rachel for the suggestion to machine-sew the binding on, or it would probably be another ten years before I finished!)

I first envisioned this quilt nine or ten years ago, back when M was in preschool and wanted to be an astronaut. I bought the fabric about six years ago. I started planning and cutting nearly four years ago (thinking I'd have it done by his birthday that May--ha!). I pieced the big stars over the next two years (talk about tedium) until I had all the squares complete. A little more than a year later, I had the corner stars done and the top put together. A month or so after that, I had managed to apply borders. And in time for M's birthday this past May, I had it long-arm quilted.

Needless to say, at thirteen M's career aspirations are a bit different than they were at three. Astronaut is no longer in the cards. But I did hear him once mention aerospace engineer, and I'm holding out hope for rock star, so I think the quilt's theme is still appropriate.

This is the quilt M had on his bed up until Saturday. I made it when I was pregnant with him, out of the little fabric squares we had tied up bird seed in for our wedding. I stuffed it with two layers of polyester batting so it would make a nice cushy spot for him to lie on on the floor. It's gotten pretty well-worn over the years. Yet, after I put the new quilt on his bed, he said he still wanted to hang onto the green one. Can I tell you how much I adore this kid for not caring, nor ever once mentioning, that his quilt was covered in flowers? 

This is the green quilt when it was new, and M when he was new.


  1. I'm impressed by your tenacity. I love quilts for being such fabulous examples of functional art. May your son have wonderful dreams beneath those stars!

  2. Love the quilt! I am hoping to tackle on, maybe this year. I am thinking it will take me some time to finish it too :)

    He definitely knows how to melt a mama's heart. So sweet.

    1. Thanks, Kim! Good luck on starting your quilt...hope it goes faster than mine did! I'm much more of a "planning" and "finishing" person...the part in between is always slow-going.


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